Pain syndromes associated with (or without*) pathologic changes of the cartilage of the patella and its surrounding ligaments, tendons, and menisci.
Common Knee Problems
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome – A general diagnosis used to describe kneecap pain relating to the following: wearing away of the articular cartilage, maltracking of the patella, erosion of the patella, and even overpronation of the foot.
Patellar Tendinitis – Inflammation of the thick tendon that runs under the kneecap, connecting the quadriceps to the lower leg. This can be caused by squatting, jumping, and sprinting, causing small tears along the tissue.
Bursitis of the Knee (water on the knee) – Inflammation of the prepatellar bursa, a fluid-filled sac located over the kneecap. Pain, swelling, and radiating heat around the joint are common.
Ligament Sprains – The most common being the sprain or rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or ACL. Caused by twisting the knee with the foot planted, or by front or side trauma (like a tackle in football).
Treatment Goals
- Promote soft tissue and cartilage healing
- Relieve pain and prevent recurrance
- Increase pain-free ranges of motion
- Restore normal strength and stability
- Prevent further degenerative changes in joint structure
Treatment Options
- Rest and avoidance of aggravating activities
- Ice packs to promote vasoconstriction
- Interferential for pain and edema management (acute phase)
- Electrical muscle stimulation for reduction of myospasm
- Manipulation of femur, tibia, and patella
- ROM exercises followed by ice
- Trigger point therapy in quads and hamstrings
- Transverse friction massage at site of involvement
- Stretching of quad and strengthening of hamstrings
Nutritional Options
- Amino acids
- Glucosamine sulfate
- Vitaminc/Iron/Alpha-ketoglutaric acid – collagen production
- Calcium/Vitamin E/Zinc/Copper – antioxidant effects and free radical killers